Tuesday 27 March, 2007

Preview: Microsoft and Google Analytics

Race for analytics is just getting heated up with Microsoft and Google trying to get ahead with their new products. But part of it considerably differs. While Microsoft's main focus remains on businesses, offline or online - primarily internal to organizations to help make better decisions. On the other hand, Google's target, as usual, is Web - mainly targeting web sites and its analysis.


Microsoft has now introduced PerformancePoint Server 2007 for Business Analytics. Following are the straight forward benefits that I saw while evaluating:

1. Integration with Business Scorecard Manager: Allows user to see filtered results in the form of a scorecard, providing each and every detail in form of numbers. This can be a summarized or deep drill down view of data, to levels desired by decision makers.

2. Tight Integration with SQL Server 2005: With latest capabilities of SQL Server, its just not a database anymore, but much more. Its a complete BI suite, with high capabilities of Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services, Notification Services and of course, Database Engine. The analysis capabilities has given analytics a complete new direction which PerformancePoint server thrives on.

3. Seamless Integration with Office 2007: Office 2007 has just evolved as never before. The data viewing and analyzing facilities has become awesome. PerformancePoint server connects seamlessly with Excel services and allows user to view and store data even offline. Facilities like Pivot Charts, graphs etc. make things more easy to understand and overall system as very much flexible.

4. Integration with SharePoint Server 2007: Share your data! This is an added advantage.

5. Integration with ProClarity Analytics: ProClarity is the one that sits in the middle of all this. Provides you facility to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and do lots of custom stuff, rather than just following a pre-defined procedure.

6. Data Viewing: This is just the entertaining stuff, even if you see just figures. You will be thrilled! And I am sure, you won't believe me until and unless you see it yourself. Go and search it out. I bet, you won't be disappointed.

7. Create your custom parts: As a part of Microsoft strategy, build up anything using .NET and plug it dynamically. What else do you need?

8. Available as Windows as well as Web Application.

So, in a nutshell, You can define your requirements, keep track, summarize results or drill it, share data and can take complex planning decisions. Its highly recommended!!!


Google is sticking to its plan pretty well - targeting web! Google Analytics is the tool that has been introduced. Just provide your details, create an account and get a script. Embed that script in your website and start analyzing from day one!

Here are few things I liked:

1. Easy Start: Just take your 5 line or so script and put it in your page. And you are ready to go!

2. Loads of Data: Data you find is just enormous with that single method call. But page never takes too much time to open - that's the best part!

3. Data Viewing: This loads of data is also very much organized and you can view it from different angles and in different ways. Only bad point - you can not define exactly what you want.

4. Integration with other Google products: Market is just about integration these days, where you are able to do any kind of work from just one product. And Google's AdSense, Blogs etc. fits well also.

This product is very nice even for a beginner and for analyzing a small domain - the website visits! Just sign up and here you go!

NOTE: I guess, Microsoft is also preparing for similar kind of launch, something called as Business Internet Analytics (BIA)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm… nice analysis if Analytics....

I'm not that much aware of the Microsoft's Analytics Software, but GoogleAnalytics (GA) represents data in highly structured way (for Geeks/Techies only). The beginner finds it difficult to start.

At first, the look an feel of GA is something ambiguous and you need to work hard to find what you are looking for... e.g. I wanted where search engine keywords... and it took me to go through every report to find… :(

Second, every thing is represented in flash. Seriously it is not intuitive and there should be some other way to represent the same. (you can’t take printouts from web browser, zooming to a report also zooms the tooltips)

Btw, it's gud that u switched to technical stuff!!!